Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Finale

Sunday we started off our morning letting the kids "find" their baskets the Easter Bunny had hidden Saturday night. They found them pretty quickly and began checking out their stash and digging into their candy. Jack decided he didn't need to take the wrappers off of his candy, he just grabbed about 4 pieces of shiny wrapped chocolates and shoved them all into his mouth at once. It was funny to find him in the kitchen with wrapped chocolates in his mouth and chocolate "juice" dripping down his chin:-)!!

We headed out to church later that morning. Joe has really taken a liking to his Primary teacher and both of his Sunday school classes this year. He really enjoys going (this was such a BIG step for him) and he is learning doctrine and songs and it is wonderful watching him grow this way. Jack is in "training" mode right now, so church is quite challenging (to put it positively) with him.

After supper that night we went over to my parents for one last Easter egg hunt. We stuffed the eggs with candy and all three kids, Jack got to join them this time, had more fun finding them.

We had a great weekend. It was busy, but so much fun. Having Hanna home this past week was wonderful. Makes me look so forward to the summer and knowing what lies ahead for our upcoming school year even more. We've got some big changes coming in the next six months for our family. They will take some getting used to on everyone's part, but I know after we are all settled into our new roles and routines we are going to grow closer together which is our ultimate goal.

1 comment:

  1. Susana,
    Your blog looks incredible! I love it like this!! The pictures of the kids are gorgeous. Did you call me the other day? Maybe we should get together sometime. I really need to get Jackson out of the house more!
