Today was Hanna's last day at Brockman. She is officially a "homeschooler" now:-). I'll have to say, it was really weird leaving school today and realizing we weren't coming back. This wasn't just the end of the school year and we'd be back after summer vacation--we aren't going back. It wasn't sad for me (I'd wondered if it would be a little), but it was just a strange feeling. I'd been asking Hanna often the last few weeks if she was going to be sad to leave school for good, not just for the summer. She kept assuring me that wouldn't be the case. I just knew she'd feel a little differently today after we left. I asked her this afternoon if she was starting to feel sad as the reality set in and she said, "Mom, no, you don't have to ask me that anymore. I'm not sad. This school year was like being in a cage." Well, there you go. As I've said often the past nine months, this hasn't been a good year at school for Hanna. Teacher wise or kid wise--honestly the worst we've ever had. I hope our experiences this year will help both of us to appreciate homeschool more and not take it for granted during the hard, challenging times that I know will come. I pray and have prayed since the first of the year when I decided we would be homeschooling a year earlier than planned (and Joe wouldn't even be going to school at all) that Heavenly Father will bless our family with health and strength and guidance along the way homeschooling so that it benefits us all. I especially pray that the duration of this pregnancy and postpartum recovery will be completely healthy for myself and Jesse so that we can stay on our projected path. I am determined and I know this is right for our family. I am so thankful for the support of Jamie and Hanna, and Joe's positive attitude as I teach him each day during our "school time".
Despite the difficulties this year at Brockman, overall this has been a really good school environment for Hanna. I couldn't have had her at a better public school. She has been sheltered there from so many evils in the world and hasn't been exposed to alot of what she could have been elsewhere. Never any (and I mean NO) discipline problems (believe me, I have been so overly involved, I would know!!), and she learned above and beyond what she could have in most other schools. Brockman was a blessing to our family, an answer to prayers. The way her mind has been trained by the Montessori teaching methods she's had will serve her well in the future.
I have always taken a picture of Hanna with her teachers the last day of school for her remembrance book, here are the ones I got today before we left school. I am so proud of Hanna for having such a "thick skin" this year and growing in ways I never thought she would! I love you, Hanna, and thank Heavenly Father each and every day for blessing me with you!
Hanna with her Teacher, Ms. Kalagher.

Here is Hanna with her teacher assistant, Mrs. Jefferson.
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