We celebrated Hanna's 10th birthday Saturday evening at our favorite pizza place and park. It was a perfect ending to a not so perfect week. We had such a good time being together and watching Hanna enjoy herself. She was so happy and excited the whole day--to be a kid again:-). I'm sure you've read the
cake catastrophe from yesterday....well, Jamie took Hanna out this morning to local grocery stores to see if they could find a cake that would suit me--oops:-)--Hanna for her party. Luckily they found one sweet man who was willing to whip up something "custom" at the last minute. He did a really good job. He used bright, girly colors and even piped a butterfly on the cake. Hanna was happy with it, and I was too! I will not be making any of the kids cakes ever again--that job will remain in the hands of my very, very talented sister-in-law, Teresa, who is seriously the cake diva, and queen of all things artsy and crafty!!

Hanna will turn 10 Tuesday and my was it a mix of emotions putting those double digits on her cake today. Some of my thoughts were: I can't believe how fast these 10 years have gone, how quickly she has gone from little girl to my "friend and companion"--especially within the last few months, how 10 is the halfway point to 20, and if the first 10 have passed so quickly so will the next 10. The years just pass in the blink of an eye and I try so very hard each day to remember this. That is one thing that helps me remain positive weeks like this one!
Hanna loved her cake, and presents too:-). She was "tickled pink" to get more crafty decor for her awesome new room. I will post about each of these crafts as she completes them--they are some really cool ones!

She had fun playing, laughing and being with family. Hanna is very family oriented and always has been. She will choose being at home and with family over anything--and I do mean anything. This is such a comforting feeling and makes me feel so loved by her, and delighted that she enjoys our home and family so much.
Joe had a blast running, climbing, goofing off and just being Joe. He was happy too, the whole evening and thoroughly enjoyed playing with grandparents, aunts and his uncle.

Jack was happy Jack--for the most part:-). Even with the terrible time he's having teething right now, he still has such a sweet and happy disposition. He is such a "beautiful" little boy!! I didn't get too many good pictures of him though--only one. He was on the go the whole time and it was impossible to get a good shot of him. I did get this really sweet, cute one of him and Jamie going down the slide--I love it!

Here are a few more pictures of us together. It was a fun, special time--a memory made that will be a happy, lasting time for our family. Hanna, I love you so much, and am so very thankful for you each and every day!