Whew! This has definitely been one of those days for me. I'll be completely honest, I've felt like I was in "survival" mode most of this week. We've been crazy busy and have had so much we are trying to get done on top of just daily life, and throw in the fact that I'm practically nine months pregnant--I have constantly been in reminder mode this week. Reminding myself of all I have to be thankful for, and all that I have to look forward to in the months to come to fight off this negativity that seems to be lingering around the corner. I am not trying to sound ungrateful by any means in this post, so please don't take it that way--I know I am blessed beyond measure daily, but I too have down days and get frustrated and tired just like everyone else.
Today was one of those days where, you know--the kids fight all day, they are extremely needy all day long, your 4 year old misses the potty all day in two different bathrooms, your toddler is teething (cutting molars and eye teeth at the same time, refusing to nap ALL WEEK) and throwing fits constantly--he turns your oven knob to broil (while you are helping your daughter complete a craft project in the dining room that she just "had to do" at the same time you are preparing dinner). All of a sudden you hear sizzling and popping and see smoke coming from the oven, you run into the kitchen and see the knob has been moved to broil and dinner is literally burning before your eyes--your mouth had been watering for this all day too. At almost the same time two of your smoke alarms begin to go off and your 4 year old (who is afraid of loud noises, the dark and so forth) covers his ears and begins to cry. You lose it and cry too. You figure out how to turn off the alarms, get the kids calmed down and in front of a movie while you throw dinner in the trash, clean up your house (it is covered in toys that have been dumped out of bins over the last hour and scattered all around) before your husband comes home. Get out the cereal and pancakes for a super dinner and try to stop crying, while constantly thinking about how you are going to go into labor any day now and have a newborn to care for and many, many days ahead like this.
However, all this said, I do truly realize these are probably the easiest, most fun, carefree, healthy and blessed days of my life! There is no place I'd rather be than at home each day schooling and caring for my children, but wouldn't it be nice to spend tomorrow at a day spa being pampered and eating Godiva?! But, that won't happen:-), Saturday is Hanna's birthday party and I still haven't shopped for it or made her cake, or decorated it!! Hah!!
I will wake up tomorrow and exercise, begin my to do list and make the best of the day with a positive attitude. I am thankful to be able to do so much each day, not be on bedrest and have a home full of love around me every minute of every day!
Oh, that sounds horrible! What a day! You are not being negative, you are being honest. Sometimes we have bad days and I think it is good to throw it out there, and not keep it inside. Honestly, I hate to say this but I love to read posts like this. It makes me feel normal. My children fight, they cry, dinner doesn't always work out, I get grouchy, and sometimes I yell or cry. Often, in blog world, everything looks perfect and it can make me feel like I'm not doing a good enough job, so I like to see the occasional glimpse of reality! I hope you have a better day today.
ReplyDeleteI think we've all had days like that, where nothing quite goes right. Thanks for sharing the post with me. I admire your ability to keep two blogs up, I'm doing good to keep one up.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you had a bad day. It is funny to read these sort of things though because we all can relate. As a mother, there are days when I'm on cloud nine and then there are those other days. Try to get some rest. I'm sure you'll have a great day today.
ReplyDeleteAmen to the above comment. We all have days like this!!!!
ReplyDeleteaww virtual hugs!!! :)
ReplyDeletehubby should have treated you to take out!
hope hanna has a excellant bday! my oldest turns 9 on sunday!
Shannon, he offered take out over and over--it was me who was the stubborn one:-).
ReplyDeleteHanna will be 10!!
Ohhh...sounds like a hard day for sure, but please know that you're not alone! Wishing you many blessings (and patience) in the next coming weeks!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you have had such a hard couple days - you wouldn't know it reading your homeschool blog! You are amazing! And while you are about to have a breakdown you still try to be positive! Great job for counting your blessings! Hope you are doing better today!