Saturday, November 21, 2009

Snug As A Bug!

I have always wanted to wear my babies.  I tried buying a Baby Bjorn with each of them and really didn’t give it a chance before I’d just take it back to the store.  Honestly, in my mind I was afraid carrying them around like that would spoil them to the point of not sleeping alone.  I am such a worrier in all areas….well, I decided I was going to get over this hang up with Jesse and enjoy wearing him no matter what.  It just looks so cozy and sweet.  I got a Moby Wrap and tried it out today while we were out as a family doing Christmas shopping and looking.  I LOVE it and so does Jesse.  I enjoyed every minute of having him in his little wrap.  I can’t wait to use this every chance I get.  Plus, it is going to make outings so much easier when I don’t have Jamie with us for an extra set of hands.



So, the Moby Wrap can hold a child up to 35 lbs.  I decided to try it out with Jack and see how it would hold up to his weight—he’s 25 lbs.  It was amazing!  It was like I was barely holding any weight!  Jack loves to be held, and I will be using the Moby Wrap for him as well when I need to—it has so many different positions when compared to other wraps/carriers.  I so wish I’d done this with my others, I LOVE IT!!


  1. Aww, yay for baby wearing! I need to try a moby wrap with my next one - they look so snug. I'm a huge fan of our Ergo brand carrier. The Bjorn isn't anywhere near as comfortable (for me or the baby, I don't think). Love the photos!

  2. Oh how snuggly. i sometimes still use my sling for Meadow but that is becoming too uncomfy :(

  3. You will enjoy having the moby wrap! Especially for outings.

  4. Oh I hear you, it took me until my 3rd before I became comfortable with baby wearing. C is 16mths tomorrow and we still use a sling lots!! THey really are a blessing and it is oh so nice to have them so close. Enjoy.

  5. Man I wish someone would carry me around in a Moby Wrap! ;) He looks snug as a bug! I love it! And it's awesome that you can use it with Jack too!

  6. Cute Outfit!!!

    Gidget only liked the snuggi when she could face outside. Froggi HATED it! I loved it kept my hands free and made taking walks tons easier! :)

  7. This is awesome that you found something that works so well. All the baby wearing here (and a lot of it) was done by my husband. He loved Baby Bjorn - maybe it just works better with men's posture.

  8. I used to wear little Mouse in a Kango Pouch, worked like a dream! That was the only way I was capable of doing anything in and around the house! I will recommend wearing your baby to anyone. It makes them so calm and you as a mommy can also relax because you know where they are at all times and that they are ok.

  9. Thanks for the review of sorts!! I have been looking at different baby carriers and the Moby caught my eye.

  10. I have heard so many awesome things about that wrap. It looks so comfy. As to baby wearing, it makes grocery shopping so much easier when you have more than one little one (except when getting stuff off the bottom shelf, but that's what the kids are for).

  11. I think it is a tad funny that Jack weighs 25 POUNDS! That sounds like one of my babies.

  12. I used a moby wrap with my second (she is 16 months now) and I LOVED it!! It was so cozy and comfortable for both of us and it made it so easy to deal with my very active 3-year old son. I am expecting number 3 in March and plan on using it again!

  13. WE LOOOOOOOOOOOVED THE MOBY! we have several different wraps & loved them all for different reasons. But for infants I think wraps are the BEST! A snug as a bug is right!
    I'm an avid baby wearer even now! we have an Ergo & a similar one called a Yamo that I think is only available in europe now (and is not as good) which is great for toddlers esp for back wearing. I keep it with me everywhere for when Z just refuses to walk anymore or we need a snuggle. :)
    I think Bjorn is ok for infants because they r super fast & easy to put on...faster than ergo & a bit smaller.
    As far as needing to be held or sleeping on own those were never problems for us. I think the holding thing is really a personality thing. Z is independent & prefers to be on his own most of the time & we never worried about sleep on his own because we coslept & still do at times. But honestly I don't think it makes a child more needy to sleep w u. I think they just want to anyway.
    I'm so glad u gave it a try! I must say convincing people to try wraps is the hardest because of how daunting it looks.
    have fun w it! & watch out u might be so addicted u will have to by an ergo & more! :)

  14. I'm so glad you got a baby carrier! I love my Moby Wrap too, it is especially wonderful for little babies like Jesse!

  15. I wear my baby pretty much every time I go anywhere! It is just so much easier.

  16. I wish I had one of these. Amazing! You look fantastic, by the way. I am so impressed with how quickly you bounced back from pregnancy. I was never that lucky!

  17. Somehow I missed this post. How awesome that you have a wrap to use now. I tried a sling with Abby and she hated it!

    You look great!
