Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sweet Jesse

I truly appreciate this baby phase of my Jesse more than any of my others. I realize just how quickly it will pass. I know that the nightly feedings are going to be a thing of the past soon, and often these are the only moments alone I get with my little man each day. I am trying so hard to remember this about my rambunctious toddler too—this is proving much more difficult though:-).

I won’t even go into how I feel this week—I’ll just sound like a broken record. To make it “short and sweet”, my emotions are shot, my energy is completely drained—I pray each day for inner strength. I am at the point of taking each day one at a time—this is not something I am accustomed too:-)--and while doing so trying to count each and every blessing that I have—believe me I know they are plenty and way too many to begin to name. That's why I hesitate to even share "my" feelings for fear of sounding ungrateful.

Here are some of the sweet moments from our week, some of my my most important blessings in pictures:

Watching Hanna learn to care for Jesse and hear her talk about how sweet he is—knowing that she is learning things right now that will make her a better woman, and I do hope mother too, when she is “all grown up”.


Watching my boys play:


A favorite of mine that I haven’t been able to capture on camera in a few weeks—a yawn:


Looking at Jesse’s sweet face and knowing that even though he has grown so much since we first brought him home, he is still so small….


….and all he truly needs and wants is pure, unconditional love.


I love having a baby in our home. We couldn’t ask for a better, sweeter baby than our Jesse. Looking at him fills me with peace and love.


  1. I have tears in my eyes... what a beautiful family. I love what you wrote about Hannah. Bless your hearts!

  2. Oh my goodness- i LOVE that last picture of him! So sweet and innocent!

  3. You are so right about Hanna. She is learning so much by having a baby in the house! All of the kids are.

    Jesse is such a sweetheart, I just want to hold him!

  4. Oh that yawn! Almost makes me want to have another one. If I could do it without being pregnant that would be bliss :)

  5. So sweet! Savor every moment. Isn't just wonderful that Hanah is learning to be a mommy!

  6. I am going to work on capturing a yawn now! What a precious picture :0)

    I know how you feel right now there must be something in the air...Emily has been such a handful recently. She seems to eant to do the opposit of everything I say.

  7. (((Hugs)) Susana. Your blessings are great, but the work involved is also enormous. Enjoy the sweet moments.

  8. What lovely pictures Susana:) I especially love the last one.
    Jesse is sush a beautiful baby.

  9. Beautiful children! Your photos are lovely, as well.

    Hannah looks like a little mother!

    Your sweet little one is growing so quickly. I can't believe it!

  10. So sweet!

    What a gift to have Hannah and that she is so loving and wanting to care for Jesse!

    I think there is nothing sweeter then catching those loving moments between siblings.

    I pray for inner strength EVERY day! I love my children, I love being home with them, I love home schooling them, I love my job as keeper of our home and I love trying to be the best helpmate to my husband. However, our jobs are demanding and tough sometimes and who better to turn to then our God!! He is so good and it is amazing the strength that I can draw from Him!!

    Blessings!! Keep doing what you are doing!! You are doing a great job!

  11. LOVE all the pictures they are all so cute! :)

    he has such big pretty eyes :)

  12. So very sweet. I remember how much I loved watching T help care for his siblings when they were babies. He is still a great big brother, and I know that someday this experience will make him a better father.

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of the three boys!
    You really get the best pictures.
    You don't sound like you're complaining, just honest. And it's all the better that you share them, because then you can have everyone tell you how wonderful you are, because you are wonderful, and a great Mom. If you ever doubt that, or doubt what a wonderful friend you are, just look at back at your posts and read the comments. You'll see lots of people amazed at all you do, and how you help so many people.
    Now go hug some kids, then go into your bathroom, lock the door, and take a nice hot bath!
    Actually, I think I'm going to take my own advice and take a bath, my head is pounding, and I think I'm getting a migraine.
    And, I've now babbled quite enough.

  14. Babies are such a beautiful blessing! I pray each day for inner strength, too. Just reading that made me feel like I am not alone.
    Yesterday was a momentous day--Matthew changed Andy's diaper!!
    It was ROTFLOL funny, but so incredibly touching that he'd offer to take care of his brother's basic needs.

  15. Beautiful photos of your darling baby. Hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy him even more!

  16. jesse is getting older so quickly my goodness how time is flying!
