Sunday, July 12, 2009

31 Weeks Pregnant!!

I haven't posted a picture of myself pregnant in about two months. I had Jamie take one of me this morning, here it is....I can't believe I only have NINE weeks left. This pregnancy has flown!! It's unbelievable to me how fast time is flying these days. We still have much to do for the arrival of baby Jesse:-). We are pushing along to get things done and in order before he comes. I pray so many times each day that my body will remain healthy for the rest of this pregnancy, delivery and postpartum--that my little guy will be healthy and all will be routine with our hospital stay too. That we will be able to come home to our family and begin this new phase together all happy and healthy. That the demands of being a busy homeschool mom of 4 will be manageable for me. If you will remember these things in your prayers too, it would be so greatly appreciated! Heavenly Father blesses our family each day with so much and I try to remember to thank Him for my blessings often!!



  1. Ahhh, you are so cute! And so tiny! You are carrying low, too - definitely a boy in there :-) I am so excited for you!

    You are in my prayers for a happy healthy you and baby, safe labor and delivery and a smooth transition. You will do great!

  2. Just stopped by from SITS to say hi!!! You are one blessed lady! I really enjoyed your blog:) Congratulations on your new baby. I hope all goes well for you. I'll be back:)

  3. You look beautiful - but so small!! I was going to say it's a girl! But Michelle disagrees!! Popping by from SITS to wish you a happy Monday!

  4. WOW, you are tiny! You look great, your adorable.
    I'm also a homeschooler. Stopping by from SITS to say hello.
    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Dang you are tiny...and so CUTE! Shoot I looked like that at 17 weeks! hehe! You know you are always in my prayers!

  6. can't believe time is so near you look great thanks for keeping us up to date.

  7. Stopping by from SITS to say HI!

    Not long now before the big day!

  8. You're beautiful! ♥

    Stopping in from SITS. You were right before me.

  9. 31 weeks?!? you look amazing!

    Love the name Joe too, my Joe is named after my Grandpa.

    Love your blog!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    You look great! I can't believe you are 31 weeks, your belly is as big as mine and I am 17 weeks. :)
    Your family is adorable. I will check back soon!

  11. Thank you for your comment on my blog! What a lovely bump you have! How exciting that your baby will be here so soon! Your sites are lovely and I have bookmarked them all! :)

  12. You look beautiful. Congratulations. I wish you the very best and sending good karma your way. xx
