Friday, July 17, 2009

Day Trip to the Beach

We went on another day trip to the beach Wednesday. It was so much fun! Our best time at the beach so far this summer for sure! We chose to go on a weekday hoping to miss the weekend crowd and it worked--much less crowded than on the weekends making it more enjoyable for everyone.

The kids had fun, digging, playing in the waves and Hanna played around quite a bit on her boogie board. Jamie dug a huge pit for the kids this time. The sad thing is I didn't even get a picture of it. It took him (with some help from Hanna and Joe) a couple of hours to build it and by the time it was completed I'd finished my picture taking and didn't want to drag the camera back out into the wind and sand. Hopefully I'll get one next time. The kids played in the pit the rest of our time at the beach.

Jack was so funny this trip. He really had fun in the water--becoming fearless by the time we left. At first, he was apprehensive and just sat and looked at the water. Next, he ventured out into the water just a bit playing and splashing. He moved on to going out with Jamie, holding his hand and having fun with him. After this, he moved on to running full force into the water, refusing to hold anyone's hand until a wave knocked him completely under and we pulled him back up. Get this--he loved it--he was holding his breath when he'd go under (and he didn't barely go under, he went all the way under on his back) and when we would pull him up he'd start laughing. It was so funny--he had a blast!!

It was a great beach trip. So much fun we've already got another planned and can't wait to go!! I love being so close to the beach that we can go just for the day. Most of all though, I treasure the fun times and special memories we make as a family each time we go. Here are a few pictures from our day trip.







  1. Great pics! Jack looks like he had a blast!

  2. Wonderful pics! I am truly living vicariously through your trips to the beach! (I was a water baby from birth and loved the beach as a child, until we moved to Montana.) Our beach is rocks and dirt and our ocean is rivers and lakes. :-)
