Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer Reading Logs and Medals

Ever since Hanna was 3 years old I have had her participate in our local county library Summer Reading Program. Joe also began participating in it when he was 2. I've never quite figured out what the kids love so much about this program, but they do, and they anticipate getting their rewards and medals upon completion as soon as they sign up!

They have both had enough books recorded in their logs for a couple of weeks to get their medals, but wanted to keep recording until they could earn all of their "extra stars" as well. They reached this point Tuesday and after lunch we headed to the library so they could receive their medals. Can you tell by their grins below how excited they were to get them:-)?! I am glad they both have such a love for reading anytime, and not just when being rewarded, but they do look cute with their medals and big smiles:-)!



  1. Yay Joe! Way to go, Hanna! Great job on your reading! You do look cute with your medals! :-)
