Jesse Kent Lambert joined us at 2:51 AM, Friday September 18th. We are so glad to have him here finally. He is beautiful. He has blond hair (and alot of it), blond eyelashes and eyebrows, is 19 1/2 inches long and weighs 6 lbs. 1 oz.

Here is a brief recap of his labor and delivery. I set out to exercise Thursday morning as I always do around 7:45am. While on my exercise route my water broke:-). I always have my cell phone with me when I'm out exercising so I called Jamie and he came to pick me up. We got to the hospital around 10 am. I had not dilated or effaced at all-wow! I knew then, I was in for a long haul. Jamie and I walked the halls off and on all day and night until I was just too uncomfortable to continue. I have to have an IV antibiotic for 4 hours prior to delivery because I am a carrier of Group B Strep. So, we couldn't just wait around at home (like I would have preferred), just in case Jesse decided to come quickly. My contractions picked up enough to be bothersome, but didn't become consistent enough to cause enough dilation or effacement for pushing until 2 am. Jesse was born shortly after at 2:51.

We were finally settled into a room around 7 am this morning. Jesse and I are both completely healthy and doing fine. He is a bit slow to eat, but he will figure it out. Jack was this same way too. I am up and around and feeling very well for having a baby less than 24 hours ago.
The kids were hoping he'd be born yesterday and went to bed Thursday night pretty disappointed that they hadn't met their new baby brother yet. My parents brought all three of them this morning to meet their newest sibling.
Of course, Hanna adores him. She is going to spend part of tomorrow here with me helping to take care of Jesse.

Joe is in love with him, and thinks he is so sweet, tiny and adorable. This is an answered prayer. He was not happy at all when Jack arrived and it was very difficult the first few months. He was so sweet and loving to him this morning. He loved holding, kissing and snuggling him and had nothing but kind words to say to and about him. He and Hanna both can hardly wait for Jesse to be home.

Jack isn't sure what to think of his baby brother. Jamie introduced Jack to Jesse on his lap, Jack began to cry because he wanted to get down after a minute. Well, Jesse began to cry too. Jack had the strangest look on his face. You could tell he was thinking, "What is this? and, It can make noises/cry?" He didn't want much to do with him after that. It was pretty funny. I have felt all along this would be an area of difficulty for me after bringing Jesse home. It is natural and to be expected, and will just take time to work out. Jack will come to love Jesse, just as Joe has come to love Jack.

Jamie has been able to stay here with me the entire stay. This is a first, and it is truly wonderful. It has been so nice to have him here all day to keep me company and to accompany Jesse to the nursery for any absolutely necessary "procedures" he has to have done. I am very adamant about having my little ones stay in-room with me the entire hospital stay, and having Jamie be able to go with Jesse the few times he has to leave the room has been such a comfort.

It has been an overwhelming couple of days physically and emotionally. I am overrun with emotions and gratitude towards my Heavenly Father for blessing me with yet another sweet spirit to care for and raise. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that my prayers for a healthy delivery and recovery have been answered. This is such a blessing. I cannot believe I am a mom to four now! I love my family so much and look forward to all of the memories and fun times we have ahead now that Jesse has joined us.
Here is one other picture I took of Jesse today.

**I have wireless at our hospital:-), so I hope to post again tomorrow!**