Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day--No Rest From "Labor" Here

Bet you thought I was referring to having Jesse in my post title:-)--nope. I am referring to all of the work we did around our home today. We got lots done and have lots to finish up tomorrow too. But, we were productive and that was great!

No pictures of Jesse's room yet. Hopefully tomorrow. It is a mess tonight. We were pooped by the time we finished.

Today was filled with yard work, and lots of it, doing many things to finish up Jesse's room, I finished my repurposed TV stand, completed a bit of school with the kids and by that time it was dinner time.

We went out for pizza--big surprise there:-). After dinner it was off to Target and Lowe's for more supplies--we've been to Lowe's so much lately that the kids actually like it there now, can you believe that?! Back at home I made a delicious Smores dessert that I just discovered yesterday from my real life friend, Stefanie. Click *here* for the recipe.

After dessert, Hanna and Joe enjoyed another sleepover and movie night in her room while Jamie and I knocked out more to do's on home projects.

Here is what the kids had fun doing while we were very busy in other areas of the house this afternoon.

Joe decided to dress up as a pirate. This was his interesting take on how to put on his costume to look like a true pirate--he informed me "real pirates don't need the eye patch". I asked why, his answer--he couldn't find it:-).

Jamie, on one of his many trips to the playroom to check on the kids, brought Jack to me looking like this, and no, he is not sitting on the kitchen counter unassisted waiting to tumble forward to the floor--Jamie is beside him:-):

Jack got into a tube of Hanna's lipstick from her make-up caboodles box in the dress up baskets, and was putting it on and eating it too. This is the second tube of lipstick he's downed in the last week, by the way.

Other than that, it was life as normal around our home. We did enjoy our day together and out and about. It is always so nice to have Jamie home from work. I look forward to days when he is home and we are all together.


  1. Wow, what a day! I saw that smores dessert and can't wait to try it. Why do kids love to eat strange things like lipstick? Funny photo.

  2. If Jack keeps it up, he'll have consumed as much lipstick as Richard Dawson did on Family Fued while kissing all of those ladies on the show! ;} Have a great week!

  3. Hee hee, Princess does the same thing to chapstick at our house. I've posted a few pictures like that.

  4. I can't believe Jack has had two of those things in one week. Disgusting!

  5. Fun to see normal life around your house - lipstick and all. *Ü*

  6. How did I miss these pics of Jack? Too funny! Speaking of lipstick, Preston is obsessed with my lipstick tubes and glosses! Lucky for me, he hasn't figured out how to take the tops off yet! :)
