Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hanna and Joe had a sleepover in Hanna's new room last night. They popped popcorn, red bedtime stories and then watched a movie on the laptop. They love having these sleepovers together. I think it is sweet and I am thankful that they love each other so much and have become so close these last few months. Joe learns alot from Hanna and she enjoys teaching him, being a big sister and is such a good example.

Here are a couple of pictures of them from last night. The first is of them reading stories together, and the next is them all tucked into bed for the night.


  1. That photo of them snuggled together is so cute.

  2. We do sleepovers here too. Princess even has a bed in her brother's room. Of course she doesn't really sleep super well there either, she's too busy trying to play.

  3. Brother and sister how sweet; that's what it is all about

  4. Brother sister that's what it's all about family. beautiful pictures
