Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Very First Blessing

Yesterday was Hanna's 10th birthday. I posted pics from her party over the weekend. Today I want to post some pictures of her first 10 years. I can't believe how fast they have gone, and looking at all of these pictures tonight has left me feeling very sentimental, thankful and blessed to have Hanna as a very special part of our family. She truly is "my first blessing". **I had to scan in most of these pictures and some of them are very grainy, but it was before my digital camera days:-).**

Here is Hanna at age one (I love the picture of her holding up her cake. Jack did this same thing at his one year old party.):

Age two:

Age three (this was taken at a Gymboree bday party--she had a blast, I don't have cake pics from years two or three for some reason):

Age four (this first picture is Hanna all dressed up--I love this picture):

Age five (a party at The Little Gym):

Age six (another of my favorite close up pictures of Hanna--just before she lost her first top front tooth):

Age seven:

Age eight (This is the year she was baptized--on the day of her birthday even. I like this picture of our family taken at her baptism. I was 4 months pregnant with Jack here.):

Age nine--(We took Hanna to the American Girl store for her 9th birthday. We stayed in an American Girl themed room at our hotel--it was decked out in hot pink everything. They even served Hanna pink milk and pink cookies on a pink tray in her pink bathrobe before bed! She was a true princess!):

Age ten:

Hanna is so beautiful inside and out. She is a caring, compassionate girl who cares deeply for people, animals and nature. She is strong willed and always stands up for what she knows is right. She was such a good example of right at school, and I was always told by her teachers of her trying to teach others to do right as well. She is fun and funny, loving, a helper and a friend. My life is blessed each day by having Hanna. Hanna, I love you forever!


  1. That is so sweet. I love the photos. I can't wait to take R to American Girl. The cakes are all so nice. R would love that unicorn cake.

  2. I love this! She is so beautiful and you can tell how sweet and loving she is just in pictures! Such sweet pictures of her! She and Ariel would great friends!

  3. The first birthday cake one makes me think this: "I sing an ode to thee oh yummy birthday cake."

  4. This was wonderful! Brought tears to my eyes, they grow so fast. A happy and blessed birthday to her.

  5. Great pictures! She is beautiful! I just love looking back at pictures.
