Saturday, August 29, 2009

38 Weeks Pregnant!!

WOW! I can't believe how fast time has flown for my pregnancy with Jesse--38 weeks! It's hard to comprehend that any day now he will be here with us. Hanna and Joe are both so very excited. They wake up each morning hoping "this" will be the day:-). Jamie and I both are excited, but also nervous as to how things will change for a bit. Mostly though, we are both so thankful for health and strength and pray daily that delivery and recovery will be healthy, normal and routine for both Jesse and myself!

Here is a picture Hanna took of me yesterday. Each time I've seen a picture of myself throughout this pregnancy I am so surprised by how low I have carried from the start. This is the lowest I've carried any of them. This could be the last pregnancy pic of me with Jesse:-). We'll see! **Sorry it's so grainy**


  1. very cute bump! i hope little jesse comes really soon for you!! good luck!

  2. You are so tiny! I was HUGE with each of my pregnancies. I always swelled a lot too. You look fantastic.

  3. you are soo tiny! i was that tiny with both they were tiny too:my oldest was 6 lbs 4 oz and my yountest was 5 lbs 4 oz!

    you look adorable!

  4. You look so great!! How exciting that you will soon have another little cherub in your family!

  5. I agree! You ARE tiny! (Cute too!) *Ü* And wow! Only 2 weeks! Do you go on time? I go 1-2 weeks early.

  6. Seriously the cutest pregnant lady ever! :)

  7. Wow 38 weeks!!! By this time I'd already HAD my daughter! Susanna, you are so lucky to not even look pregnant if it weren't for that baby bump. What I wouldn't give for your trim little figure!
