Friday, August 14, 2009

Room Reno, Doctor's Appt.'s and Field Trips

We have been super busy around our home--I believe that's our new norm for many years to come. We have been making time for fun too. We went on two "field trips" within the last 10 days. The first to Fort Discovery in Augusta (click *here* to read about this), and the second to Edventure (you can read about this one next week on my homeschool blog). Fort Discovery was a fun science museum we've been to before some years back--we all had fun, there was lots to do there. I've been wanting to take the kids to Edventure while they have their butterfly exhibit. I took them today. It was really pretty with lots of flowers and so many butterflies just randomly flying around. I got some great pics--some with the butterflies on Hanna's hands even--make sure to look for these next week. I am so afraid each day that I will go into labor and not get some of the things I am so looking forward to done! I really, really want to have this baby late:-)!! We are used to moving at such a fast pace lately and doing so many fun things and I know things will have to slow down for a bit--hopefully not for too long though:-).

Hanna took her summer pottery camp a few weeks ago. You can read about that *here*. Check in at our homeschool blog tomorrow and you can see each of her finished pieces in her "weekly wrap-up post for fifth grade. We went tonight to the pottery studio to pick up her finished pieces. Each child had a couple of their pieces on display. Here she is beside a cat mask she made.


Jamie has made progress on Hanna's room. It's all painted a very bright, girly pink. I've wanted a room this color for so very long and am so glad Hanna did too!! Since these pictures Jamie has gotten up baseboards, and some top trim. The carpet for her reading nook is in--also a bright pink:-). We plan to put down the carpet, rest of top trim, lights, ceiling fan, shelves and so forth--finish the room by the end of this upcoming week and have her IN! We have GOT to get moving on Jesse's room!! I haven't ordered any bedding, gotten him a crib, packed my bag or his, washed his clothes up or even picked out his paint color--what is wrong with me?!! For some reason, it is not bothering me as it would have with my first three. I feel pressures in other areas and have been focusing on these instead--getting homeschool materials in order and prepared for the weeks after his birth, getting the kids rooms, clothes and such in order, thinking ahead for meals, getting laundry done. I guess I know that Jesse will need love, food and sleep and the material things for him just aren't as important to me this time. If needs be, we will finish up his room after he is here--he will be in his bassinet for a few months anyway:-). Hopefully though, he will cooperate and all will be finished by his delivery.

I had a doctor's appt. this past Monday. All is well. My doctor has thankfully granted my request to not do weekly appointments or pelvic exams this time!! I basically will go in one more time before delivery and that's all--he said I know what to watch and look for by now so unless I sense a problem, no need to come in--YES!! I am getting so anxious and nervous about the delivery, health of me and Jesse during delivery and recovery and our hospital stay. Please keep me in your prayers that the delivery will be vaginal, healthy and routine and the recovery/hospital stay too, for both Jesse and myself; that I will be able to relax and enjoy this very special time to bond with Jesse (that I will only get these few short days) and that we will be able to come home routinely and quickly to my family. I am going to miss the kids so bad. I will just be glad to be home again all together.

I really hope to have some finished room pics by next weekend to post! Keep your fingers crossed for us in this area--and most importantly keep us in your prayers too for the more important things. Here are some pictures of us from this past week--me 35 weeks pregnant, Jack cheesin', Joe playing with his train table--we moved it to his room last Sunday so Jack wouldn't rip the tracks off anymore, and Joe has loved spending time in his room playing, which has been really nice--Jack and Hanna looking out of our living room window at the "caahs and tucks" passing by--one of Jack's new favorite past times.

Even though we still have much preparation ahead of us, I am so looking forward to meeting and holding Jesse, seeing what he looks like, touching his soft skin and just being with him after his birth. I love being a mom more than any words could ever describe. When I look at my three kids each day I cannot believe how blessed I am to have them all, and another sweet baby boy so very soon. Jamie and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary this upcoming weekend--what a blessing to add to our already happy lives--a blissfully happy marriage and home filled with love and health. I thank my Heavenly Father each and every day for these blessings and so many more.

1 comment:

  1. Your children are precious, and you look amazing pregnant. If I looked like pregnant I'd have more
